Sunday 18 April 2010

What information do we need of the city?

Dear students,

Some of you may have thought "What do I look for?" or "What information do we need to prepare?"
Don't worry. The English Teachers have prepared a list of questions that might help you.

After answering the questionnaire, write a text using the information from the answers. Then, when you and your group create the powerpoint of your city, you will only have to copy the text there!


• What’s the name of this city?
• Where is it placed?: in England (so, it’s an English city), Scotland (it’s a Scottish city) or Wales (it’s a Welsh city)?
• Who is the Major of the city?
• What’s the population of this city?
• In case that a river crosses the city, what is its name?
• Is this city near the sea/coast? Is it in the mountains? Or on a flat land?
• Write the name of 2 important monuments in this city.
• What’s the most important football team of the city?

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